Burning Daylight Podcast

I am transitioning through careers from middle management to becoming a teacher with a side hustle. I want to show people who think they cannot change careers that they can. I want to share with you my tips of how I have improved my time management. How I am accelerating my learning, including the 6 month language challenges I am doing over the next 18 months. I will be sharing my weight loss challenge and my workout/training programmes including my weight training and cardio sessions.

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Monday Sep 09, 2019

Update on my continuing weight loss programme. How I am finding keto and intermittent fasting plus my 36 hour fast.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2019

Hi and welcome to the podcast.
I have been off for a couple of weeks but I am back now and I will be bringing more bite sized shows for a while to see if the new format is something you will like.
This episode covers my last weight loss challenge and how carbs have impacted my weight, not for the better and what I have done to put it in check (KETO).
Please enjoy, this mini episode!

Saturday Aug 10, 2019

Well I have been on this self imposed challenge to lose 1 stone in 30 days and the results are in.
I have enjoyed the process and on this weeks show I discuss what worked and what did not and share the key takeaways that will help you to lose weight too.
I also discuss my next challenge which is to compete in a natural bodybuilding competition which is taking place 12 months from now.
Also I mention Jerry J from Jerry J Clothing.

Sunday Aug 04, 2019

This weeks episode is about my fitness journey from being an 18 year old skinny kid to being in good shape for 46 years old.
I share my weight gain experiences, weight loss success stories, my weight training, running, cycling and back to weight training adventure.
How it gets harder to lose weight as you age.
How being over weight played heavy on my mind and health.
Where my fitness experiments will take me next.

Saturday Jul 27, 2019

We all love a good underdog story of how a hero rises from obscurity to overcome the odds. 
We all like to see ourselves in that story. 
Well Here I have broken down what makes a good hero and how we can copy that blueprint to become the heroes of our own story.
Please enjoy!

Saturday Jul 20, 2019

How to do more with the 24 hours that we all have. 
Be more organised and get more stuff done. 
Planning your days and weeks as well as your goals, do not waste time!
How I am growing my Twitter following.
How much weight have I lost in 10 days.
Why you should not wear beige trousers and drink alcohol past a certain age.

Saturday Jul 13, 2019

Hi, welcome to my first full length episode.  
This week I will be talking about how I am trying to lose 1 stone in 30 days and the progress I have made so far.
How I am doing with building my audience on social media.
What I have learnt from Tony Robbins this week that we can all apply to our lives now!
To finish I share a couple of funny stories from customers I have interacted with this week.

Monday Jul 08, 2019

Hello and welcome to the Burning Daylight Podcast.  I am your host Michael Clemmet and this is my first attempt at Podcasting.
My podcast is going to be about helping others to make changes.  This might be in health and fitness, careers, family life, personal development, small business growth and in areas that subscribers ask me to.
I hope you like the first episode and I will be publishing one new episode every week.
Please subscribe, thank you!

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